Paint Lake

Algonquin Highlands Covid-19 Updates

Following is a summary of the latest news – full details can be found at

1.  Declaration of Emergency – In response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic and specifically in relation to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s letter dated April 16, 2020 regarding O. Reg. 157/20 relative to staff redeployments, the Township of Algonquin Highlands has declared a state of Local Emergency effective Friday, April 17, 2020 at 12:26 pm. 

2. Events – All summer programming and events have been cancelled. This includes;

  • Oxtongue Lake Canada Day
  • Oxtongue Lake Summer Speaker Series
  • Dorset Family Movie Nights
  • Dorset Museum Heritage Day
  • Stanhope Heritage Day
  • Swimming Lessons and Aqua-Fit
  • Stanhope Soccer League
  • Dorset Kids Fish Derby
  • Dorset Arts, Crafts and Antiques Show
  • Dorset Community Garage Sale. 

Fall programming and events will be re-evaluated in August.

3.  Extension for Tax Installment Due Dates – The due date for the first installment of the 2020 Interim Taxes has been extended to May 29, 2020.  The due date for the second installment of the 2020 Interim Taxes has been extended to June 26, 2020.

4.  Household Hazardous Waste Event – the event scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 16 at Maple Lake Landfill has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 6.

5.  Dorset Lions Bottle Collection at the Dorset Transfer Station has been suspended until further notice.

6.  The Province’s emergency order has been updated to include the prohibition of recreational camping on Crown land as of April 9, 2020.

7.  The seasonal opening of the Dorset Tower has been postponed.